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Is TVBOO The THEO VON of Bass Music?

If you haven't heard of this mystical creature from Jackson, Mississippi ( who now lives in Denver, Colorado ) then you sir are what we like to call , Patrick Star. Clearly you've been living under a rock these past few years so that's all on you. With a personality larger than an eighteen wheeler dump truck, comes TVBOO, pronounced “tv boo", and he's here to fuck your uncle. Actually that may be Gardella so don't quote me on that one no kizzy, and thats on baby. If you aren't catching him at events getting naked playing beats , you're probably watching him on youtube thanks to his ongoing podcast called 'TVLKS with TVBOO' , and yes it's worth the watch for all my fellow Patrick Stars.

Unlike Theo Von who's a succesful comedian , Tvboo isn't but that doesn't matter since he's still pretty darn funny on and off the mic and he is now one of the hottest acts to book within the bass scene. Unfortunately you won't be able to catch a live comedy set from him anywhere unless you go to Wakaan Music Festival , and of course live in Denver as he likes to pop up from time to time at venues and practice his craft to see if he's still got it. Did we mention he likes to drink tons of pbr, if not well now you know. Love him or hate him, he's the kind of personality this scene needs as other folks have taken the normal route of just being formal and care to much about their social image to even show the slightest sign of being a normal human. Most of us love just kicking it back and talking shit , understandably not many artists will do this publicly with the ongoing phenomenal of cancel culture. Thankfully for us we have someone who we can relate to on a personal level who's not just known solely for making dubstep. In conclusion due to also having a mullet like Theo, the answer is yes.

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